Miscellaneous for developers


This section of the documentation is for developers. If you just want to use Ibex as a library or via binaries, you can skip this section entirely

Using Ninja instead of Make with CMake


Currently, using Ninja does not work when Ibex needs to install Gaol or Soplex. It seems that the CMake function used to do the installation (ExternalProject_Add from the module ExternalProject) does not works well with ninja (in particular with the detection of dependencies between targets).

To use Ninja build system instead of Makefiles you need to do the following:

  1. Install Ninja (for example, by installing the ninja-build package on Debian)

  2. Add, in the CMake command line the following parameter:

-G Ninja

  1. Replace the command make by the command ninja, for example:

    $ ninja # to compile the library and the binaries
    $ ninja check # to run the checks
    $ ninja install # to install Ibex
    $ ninja uninstall # to uninstall it

Building the doc

Run the following command from the root directory of Ibex’s source tree:

$ sphinx-build doc/ <output directory>