Installation (Release 2.8)

Standard install

Note: Ibex can either be compiled with Gaol, Filib or Profil/Bias. The library installed by default is Gaol, since our experiments have shown that this library prevails over the others. So the standard installation will automatically extract and build the Gaol library (and its dependencies) from the bundle. However, because of some installation problems with Gaol under Windows, the library installed by default under this platform as of today is Filib (this will be changed in the future).

Linux and MacOS

If you are on MacOS and use the MacPorts package manager, you can install Ibex by simply executing:

sudo port install ibex-lib

Otherwise, you can install Ibex from source with the following instructions. The installation assumes your system meets some requirements.

Save the archive ibex-2.8.9.tgz in some Ibex folder and:

~/Ibex/$ tar xvfz ibex-2.8.9.tgz
~/Ibex/$ cd ibex-2.8.9
~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ sudo ./waf configure --lp-lib=soplex
~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ sudo ./waf install


Soplex is a tierce library under ZIB licence, not LGPL. By configuring Ibex with Soplex, you implicitely accept the terms of this licence.

If you don’t accept these terms, you can configure Ibex without Soplex:

~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ sudo ./waf configure

however the performances will be strongly degraded, especially for the global optimizer.


  • Install MinGW+Msys.

    Select the following components to be installed:

    • A MSYS Installation for MinGW Developers

    • A Basic MinGW Installation

    • The GNU C++ Compiler

  • With recent releases of MinGW, you have to run the executable pi.bat in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\postinstall

  • Install Python2 (warning: the script are currently not compatible with python3)

  • Create a new directory Ibex in the shell of MinGW (to open the shell of MinGW, click on Start -> MinGW -> MinGWShell):

    mkdir Ibex

    Note: if you don’t have MinGW in your Start menu, run the executable file msys.bat in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0.

  • Assuming you have installed MinGW in C:\, the Ibex directory you have created should be located on your system here:


    We will assume now that this folder is the root folder of ibex.

  • Save the archive ibex-2.8.9.tgz in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\[user]\Ibex

  • Configure Ibex (still in the shell of MinGW):

    ~/Ibex/$ export PATH="$PATH:/c/Python27"
    ~/Ibex/$ tar xvfz ibex-2.8.9.tgz
    ~/Ibex/$ cd ibex-2.8.9
    ~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf configure --prefix=/c/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/[user]/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9 --lp-lib=soplex

    Note: the paths must be entered in Linux-style (don’t use backslash (“") as separator).


    Soplex is a tierce library under ZIB licence, not LGPL. By configuring Ibex with Soplex, you implicitely accept the terms of this licence.

    If you don’t accept these terms, you can configure Ibex without Soplex:

    ~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf configure --prefix=/c/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/[user]/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9

    however the performances will be strongly degraded, especially for the global optimizer.

  • Install Ibex:

    ~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf install


For mysterious reasons, the command sometimes gets frozen (this was observed while compiling Filib). Use Control-C to interrupt the command and run it again. Do this several times until compilation is over.

Note: if g++ is not found, it probably means that you have not run the “postinstall” script of MinGW (see above).


The following applications must be installed.

  • g++

  • gcc

  • flex

  • bison

  • python2.x (warning: the script are currently not compatible with python3)

  • make

  • pkg-config (optionnal)

On Ubuntu, you can install all you need with:

~$ sudo apt-get install -y python2.7 flex bison gcc g++ make pkg-config

Configuration options

The full list of options supported by waf configure can be obtained with:

~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf --help

This will display the full list of installed interval/LP libraries and plugins with their specific options, as well as benchmarking features. See the current list of available plugins in the download page of Ibex.

In particular, waf configure supports the following options:


Compile Ibex as a dynamic library.

If Ibex is compiled as a dynamic library in a local folder, you must set the library path accordingly to execute a program. Under Linux:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=[prefix]/lib/

Under MacOS:

$ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=[prefix]/lib

Under MinGW:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/c/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/[user]/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/lib

Under a Windows command window:

> set PATH=%PATH%;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\[user]\Ibex\ibex-2.8.9\lib;C:\MinGW\bin

Set the folder where Ibex must be installed (by default, /usr/local).

You can use this option to install Ibex in a local folder.


Compile Ibex in debug mode

Compiler optimizations are all discarded (-O0), low-level assertions in the code are activated and debug information is stored (-g -pg)

Once Ibex has been compiled with this option, you should also compile your executable in debug mode. If you use the makefile of examples/, simply write:

make DEBUG=yes ...

Use Gaol as interval library (recommended)


Use Filib as interval library


Use Profil/Bias as interval library (legacy: support not guaranteed)


Use non-rigorous interval arithmetic (essentially for embedded systems with specific processor architectures that do not support rounding modes) (experimental: support not guaranteed)


Enable IbexOpt


Install Ibex with the LP solver Soplex. The plugin archive contains a version of soplex so it is not necessary to have Soplex already installed on your system. Soplex is under ZIB academic licence. If you intend to use Ibex with Soplex commercially, you may consider contacting Soplex for a commercial licence.

If you install your own version of Soplex, use the following argument:

make ZLIB=false

and if Ibex is installed as a dynamic library (--enable-shared), Soplex must also be installed as a dynamic library. For this, add the option SHARED=true to the previous command:

make ZLIB=false SHARED=true

Under Windows, add also SHAREDLIBEXT=dll to the previous command.


The current release of Ibex is compatible with Soplex 3.1.1


Set the (absolute) path of Soplex to PATH (to be used with --lp-lib=soplex). The plugin archive contains a version of Soplex so this option is not required. PATH is the absolute path where Soplex is installed (don’t use relative path like --soplex-path=../soplex-xx).

If Ibex is compiled as a shared library, you must also add the libpath of Soplex in LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=[prefix]/lib/:[soplex-path]/lib/

Under Windows, if you run a program from a command window, the PATH variable must also be updated:

> set IBEX_PATH=C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\[user]\Ibex\ibex-2.8.9
> set SOPLEX_PATH=...
> set PATH=%PATH%;%IBEX_PATH%\lib;%SOPLEX_PATH%\lib;C:\MinGW\bin

Deprecated. Only available up to ibex 2.8.6 Install Ibex with the LP solver CLP (from the COIN-OR project). The plugin archive contains a version of CLP so it is not necessary to have CLP already installed on your system. This option is experimental, i.e., support for installation issues may not be guaranteed.


Deprecated. Only available up to ibex 2.8.6 Set the (absolute) path of CLP to PATH (to be used with --lp-lib=clp). The plugin archive contains a version of CLP so this option is not required. PATH is the absolute path where CLP is installed (don’t use relative path like --clp-path=../clp-xx). If Ibex is compiled as a shared library, you must also add the libpath of CLP in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Deprecated. Only available up to ibex 2.8.6 Set the (absolute) path of CoinUtils to PATH (to be used with --lp-lib=clp and --clp-path).

The plugin archive contains a version of CLP that includes CoinUtils so this option is not required.

PATH is the absolute path where CoinUtils is installed (don’t use relative path like --coinutils-path=../coinutils-xx). If Ibex is compiled as a shared library, you must also add the libpath of CoinUtils in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Install Ibex with the LP Solver CPLEX. The path of CPLEX must be provided with the --cplex-path option. This option is experimental, i.e., support for installation issues may not be guaranteed.


Set the path of CPLEX (to be used with --lp-lib=cplex). PATH is the absolute path where CPLEX is installed (don’t use relative path). If Ibex is compiled as a shared library, you must also add the libpath of CPLEX in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Compiling a Test Program

Copy-paste the following example code in a file named foo.cpp

#include "ibex.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace ibex;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  Interval x(0,1);
  cout << "My first interval:" << x << endl;

There is a simple “makefile” in the examples folder that you can use to compile your own programs (note: this makefile uses the extended syntax of GNU make).

This makefile however assumes pkg-config is installed on your system, which is done by default on many Linux distribution). To install pkg-config under MinGW, follow the steps given here.

So, place the file foo.cpp in the examples/ folder and:

~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ cd examples
~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/examples$ make foo
~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/examples$ ./foo


  1. It may be necessary to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to [prefix]/share/pkgconfig where [prefix] is /usr/local by default or whatever path specified via --prefix:

    ~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/share/pkgconfig/

Under Windows, if you have compiled Ibex with --enable--shared you can run the program from a command window. Just update the path to dynamically link against Ibex:

> set IBEX_PATH=C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\[user]\Ibex\ibex-2.8.9
> set PATH=%PATH%;%IBEX_PATH%\lib;C:\MinGW\bin
> cd %IBEX_PATH%\examples
> foo.exe

Running unit tests

You can also run the whole unit tests suite with the installed version of Ibex.

To this end, you must install first the cppunit library. Then run:

~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf utest

Note also the following command:

~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf check

as a handy shortcut for:

~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9/$ ./waf build install clean utest


Simply type in the path of IBEX (under the shell of MinGW for Windows):

~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9$ sudo ./waf uninstall
~/Ibex/ibex-2.8.9$ ./waf distclean

Note: sudo is useless under MinGW or if Ibex is installed in a local folder.

It is highly recommended to uninstall Ibex like this before upgrading to a new release or installing a plugin.


Headers of Gaol not found

When running waf configure, I get messages like this:

Checking for header ['gaol/gaol.h', 'gaol/gaol_interval.h']   : not found

Does it mean that Ibex is not properly installed?

Answer: No, this mesage simply indicates that gaol was not found on your system and that it will be automatically extracted from the bundle. It is not an error message.

Linking problem with CoinOR

If the linker fails with undefined reference to dgetrf and dgetrs, it is probably because you have installed Lapack. You can either:

try to adapt the makefile to link with Lapack. Remove Lapack, reinstall Ibex and reinstall Lapack (in this order).